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An academic project that aims to extract and process text from a large amount of articles scrapped from many Moroccan news Websites.

This project is divided into 5 parts, each part is in an independent directory:

Further Details

1. Scraping :

Scrapping articles (Title, publiction date, Image, Link, Full text…)from Moroccan news websites(BeatifulSoup and requests).

Ressources :

Data was retrieved from the following websites:

La vie eco

Data structure :

We scrapped the Economy subcategory pages for each news website. for each article we got its :

2. Text_processing :

Apply some text mining methods and algorithms(TF,IDF, NMF, TOPIC MODELING).

3. Automating :

Automate the process of scraping, text processing, Datawarehousing and loading Data into Postgresql Database(Airflow, Docker…). The Datapipeline architecture is as follows:

4. Reporting :

Present results and key measures in a dashboard (Web app with Flask).

Reporting results via a simple dashboard as follows:

5. Mining :

Extract association rules (R and python).

Contrubutors :